
Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Heddon Nativity: Another reason to live in Heddon

Just prior to Christmas I was stopped by the Methodist Vicar whilst walking home from school one day and asked if I would mind being an angel. I said, "Of course." I was subsequently phoned up and asked if actually I would mind being Mary instead as she was ill. "Naturally," I said. "But I do think I am a bit old." "Never mind," she said. "You are the youngest one available."

Okay - so at 40 something for the first time in my life I got to play Mary in a Nativity Play. Was I in a church? No.

A village hall? No.

Somewhere noble? No.

I was sitting outside a pub on a cold and snowy day with Robert (more about him on another day) and a chap from the library whose name I can never remember.

Heddon Churches had decided to do a live nativity and had various characters from the story dotted around the village in dress: the Wise Men were in the library reading which was suitably wise considering the temperature; shepherds and sheep were in our previous landlady's garden; we were outside an inn as there was no room inside and the Angels were outside the newsagent's telling good news. Roman soldiers were being very threatening and making people register for tax purposes.
A lot of fun but very cold!

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