
Sunday, 30 October 2011

Just a quickie

No news on the kitchen yet. The builder and the insurance company are negotiating.

We went away over half term catching up with friends and family in Macclesfield. It was lovely being able to spend a longer time there and wonderful watching Angus and his friends carry on where they left off several months ago: fewer arguments, more sophisticated games but the friendship hasn't waned. Wonderful. We even had super weather, except the day we planned to go to the zoo...

But the one event that really sticks in Angus's mind was the public bulb planting session in a park next to my Mum's house. We were looking after Josh for the day and so we all wrapped up, donned wellies, took dibbers and trowels and spent a wonderful couple of hours digging holes and planting crocuses and daffodils. The worms were a wonderful incentive! Isla was a star and loved it, getting really cross when bulbs went in upside down: "Wrong one bulb, wrong one!" The whole event did reach comic proportions, however, when Isla realised that the daffodil bulbs were about to have the turf laid back on top. She clearly found this quite stressful and started removing the bulbs back to the bag as quickly as she could shouting at anyone trying to stop her. Distraction bulbs were quickly arranged as the park keeper swiftly "put the bulbs to bed!"

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