
Thursday, 12 November 2009

She's Here!

Yes, the baby was pink, not blue. Grandparents are delighted as she is the first pink grandchild for all of them.

The details:

Isla Morag Thompson was born AT HOME (shock, horror to all my American readers!) and arrived at 3.16am Tuesday morning weighing 7lb 6oz. She is healthy, robust, is feeding well (actually she has a shark like sucking reflex. Ken has offered the use of his tyre leavers to get her off!), and has masses of dark hair.

Angus slept through the whole thing. He was amazed and delighted in the morning when he came into our room and was told to look around as something special had happened during the night. He saw Isla and declared, "Our baby has arrived!" I loved that he said, "our baby". He is totally smitten with her and wants her in his bed, wants to climb into our bed with her in the morning for a cuddle, watches in awe as she is feeding, wants to help bath her, even to change her nappy, and asks loads of questions about her. He keeps pointing out her "tiny fingers and tiny toes" to all the visitors. He is not unimpressed with the presents he has received either!

Angus helping Spare Jo the Midwife (she is "Spare Jo" as "Real Jo" is his American Aunt) wash Isla's hair.

I had a most wonderful birth, with Isla coming out in FIVE pushes! She was born in a water pool in the newly built warm, dry, heated conservatory - I just knew that was a good idea! Then we sat in front of the wood stove in the lounge (another great idea!) with her feeding, the midwife doing all the checks, taking blood tests and then sorting the official paperwork. Isla and I were then settled into bed by the midwife while Ken sorted the birthing pool. He then came to bed just after 6.00 am and were awoken by Angus at 8.00. Breakfast in bed for all of us and a relaxed family bonding time. It was so relaxed and so completely unlike giving birth in a hospital.

So there you are. Main photo taken by Angus.

1 comment:

The Gutsy Mom said...

I am brimming with tears of joy for all of you! Welcome to a most amazing family, Isla! We can't wait to meet you. With much love from the entire Gutsy Family.