
Thursday, 15 January 2009

Life With a Toddler 6 - On Traumatising them with Broccoli

Last night I managed to inadvertently traumatise Angus by cutting off a stalk of broccoli. I didn't realise that he had become emotionally attached to this broccoli and cut off its stalk when preparing dinner last night. This led to wails and protests until I fished said stalk out of the compost bucket so that he could attempt to re-attach it. Naturally this didn't work. This led to more upset which could only be abated by offering him a carrot in compensation.

Does that make any sense to you?

1 comment:

The Gutsy Mom said...

I love to hear about the exploits of the Lumbups; sorry to hear about the broccoli dismemberment. It's amazing what kids latch onto, isn't it?