
Friday, 25 December 2009

Merry Christmas!

We all hope and pray that you have a Merry Christmas this year (and every year!). We have had a lovely Christmas with Granny and Clive, Grandma and Grampa. The log fire was burning, the carols were playing in the background, Angus had a lot of fun with his presents - although it was a little disconcerting to find out when he went to bed that his favourite present was a stretchy bat that he had been feeding hoops to at breakfast. Father Christmas obviously knew the way to make him happy! Grandma cooked a wonderful dinner for us - and I did almost nothing as Isal went into a feeding frenzy at nearly every opportunity I had to do something. Oh well, there must be some advantages to breast feeding I suppose!

Remember the reason we celebrate Christmas - and if you disagree with it, have a lovely time anyway!


Monday, 21 December 2009

Time Management...

... is nearly impossible.

I have been trying to write an update on Isla and Angus for several weeks now, but I am either feeding, placating a three year old with growing independence and willfulness, doing the laundry, vacuuming ( a side-effect of log fires and a hubby who .... never mind...), shopping, you wouldn't believe how long it took me to write the Christmas/thank you/birth announcement cards, or sleeping. I am just about managing to keep on top of my emails, but more than that is nearly impossible right now.

Suffice it to say that Isla is finally doing well although feeding has been difficult. She eventually learned how to latch on to Mummy without causing pain but by then she had lost so much weight that she only just had enough energy to sleep and sustain herself. With some supplementary formula she managed to get back to her birth weight but then stayed there for a week. Only in the last week has she really put weight on. Last Friday Isla passed the 8lb barrier! Hurrah! She is still on two bottles of formula a day but we will hopefully wean her off those eventually.

Angus is still delighted with her and keeps telling me and Ken that he is happy that the baby has arrived. He loves telling people about her when we go to the supermarket as he pushes her around in her Steam Engine (the shopping trolly!) He tells anyone who looks at her or comments, "This is Isla Morag my baby!". He was waiting with her while I went to the loo last week at the supermarket. When I came out he was saying this repeatedly to a chap looking at jumpers who was clearly oblivious to him. I watched for a while to see what would happen. Angus noticed me watching and said to me, "Mummy he's not listening. I want to tell him about Isla. Doesn't he like her?" All people should love Isla as far as Angus is concerned. Much better than the jealous older brother bit.

If only he could control his tantrums. Just remember, it's just a developmental stage and healthy... Yeh right.

I'll put up some pictures when I have time to sort them through.