
Thursday, 26 March 2009

Pictures not to show the Social Services.

Ken was playing with tools and naturally Angus had to join in . Only Ken being Ken didn't just give Angus toy tools. Oh no, Angus got to play with the real thing - hammer and nails, sharp and potentially lethal saw and so on.

Hammering in nails in the style of Harvey the Carpenter. He is a Swedish beaver and the star of one of Angus's favourite book sets. He does all these cool things involving DIY and teaches you how to do them at the same time. Harvey bangs a nail in to some wood. It bends and then...

Yank! He pulls it out with a pair of pliers. How many times did Ken have to do this? I have no idea but it kept them both out of my hair while I cooked dinner!

The above is further evidence of why Ken doesn't want to change our distasteful carpet. He feels it acceptable to saw wood on it as it vacuums up clean and he feels vindicated. They were making a shelf to go in my under-sink cupboard - finally! Sadly it did all vacuum up cleanly. Maybe one day it won't...

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Little Drummer Boy

As you can tell, we have the photos up and running at last and I am catching up!

Ever since Angus went to stay in America when he was 15 months old, he has had a bit of an obsession with drumming. This is not just a toddler obsession with banging things, this has developed into a sophisticated imitation of a real drum kit - all thanks to his cousin Evan. I hold Evan solely responsible, although unwittingly, for quite a lot of damage in our house. You see, Evan has a real, bit, loud drum kit and he allowed Angus to play it, when he was 15 months old and again last Christmas. Add to that a real, big, loud drum kit in church to fantasize over every week, and we have all that is needed for an obsession. All that is required for this to become reality are two hairbrushes (both damaged beyond use, just as well I now have short hair!), and a bathroom. Seriously, this is not bathroom furniture, but called: drum, tomtom, and cymbal. Just ask him! And he sings as he plays. How cute is that?

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Scrapping - and not the GBH kind!

I thought that I had better keep some of you who are interested up to date with what I have been doing scrapping wise, and deal with the surprised looks and comments from some others of you!

Yes, I am a fully paid up and resourced scrapper. That means that I dream about layouts, sing hymns in church and think, "I really like the lyrics to that one and can think of several photos that I could use to express how I feel about the beauty of creation (seriously, last week!)." It also means that Granny, bless her cotton socks, gets to spend an afternoon a week looking after Angus so that I get some peace and can scrap without him shouting, "Angus stamp too!" as he picks up my ink pads or paper cutter. It also means that I have a never ending list of "Wanteds" every time that it is the sort of occasion when I may be given presents. It's just that they are a little limited, specialised and frequently have to be ordered via Margaret from America. It also means that I look at life wanting to savour the moments as they happen, take pictures of them and make pages that I can look at later and remember the joy, the thing that Angus, Ken or someone else said and how much fun we had.

I have put below a few of the pages that I have made from Angus's album. I realise that I am not up to date, but who cares. It's better than not having an album at all, and I can "catch up" later. I just enjoy making the pages and Angus loves looking at his book. That's all that matters. I have also put on a couple of cards that I have made.

Yes, I am the last person to ever have thought that I would take up scrapbooking, but I really do enjoy it. Hope you do too.

Don't you just hate our carpet? Yes, that is our lounge carpet and I loathe it, but Ken really has a point: it doesn't show any dirt - or anything else that you might drop on it for that matter! And, no, we didn't choose it. It was here when we moved in - five years ago! Sadly it is a wool carpet and won't be wearing out in the near future. Could Angus damage it somehow? Please...

This was Ken's Valentine's Day card, and I like it so much that I made a similar one for a friend's wedding....

There, I have confessed. I feel better now.